Juve Patent 2023 rankings
We are extremely proud that Juve Patent continues to recognize Brinkhof as a market leader for patent disputes in the Netherlands: “This IP boutique remains a market leader for patent disputes in the Netherlands, as its partners have an excellent command of all key areas of patent litigation before the Dutch patent courts.”
Juve Patent also noticed that Vossius & Brinkhof UPC Litigators is among the most active at the UPC. “In autumn 2022 Brinkhof entered an exclusive alliance for the UPC with its German partner firm Vossius & Partner to establish Vossius & Brinkhof UPC Litigators (…) Vossius & Brinkhof UPC Litigators has been one of the most active outfits in the early days of the UPC.”
Our full ranking is available on the Juve Patent website.
We thank our clients for their recommendation and their trust.