Tessa Timmermans
Office director and executive board
Tessa is the office director and a member of Brinkhof’s executive board. In that role, she shapes, directs and guides the professionalisation and development of the firm. She also manages a team of staff members who provide organisational support to Brinkhof.
Always up to date with latest developments
As a niche firm with an international reputation, Brinkhof faces the challenge of keeping up with the changes taking place in the world. Tessa keeps a close eye on these developments and ensures their integration, both within the organisation and in external contexts.
“The foundation of good cooperation is trust. I enjoy bringing people together, partly by articulating what others are thinking. Open and honest communication is what I stand for.”
A unique perspective derived from experience
Tessa has been with Brinkhof since 2007. Over the years, she has held a variety of roles and developed a high level of organisational sensitivity, with a keen eye for both individuals and details. The extensive experience she has gained in these diverse positions gives her a unique perspective on the organisation, and enable her to take the organisation forward in response to the many challenges faced by Tessa and by the firm itself.