Paul Marcelis
Paul is advocaat en UPC representative bij Brinkhof en gespecialiseerd in (internationale) octrooizaken, in het bijzonder octrooigeschillen over farmaceutische en medische hulpmiddelen. Hij heeft uitgebreide ervaring in het bijstaan van zowel rechthebbenden als vermeend inbreukmakers waarbij internationale coördinatie een belangrijke rol speelt.
Experience & ancillary activities
In 2014, Paul graduated cum laude with a Master’s in Law and Technology from Tilburg University. He also gained research experience by taking a Research Master’s in Law, jointly offered by Tilburg University and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and as a result of his work for the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT), including on the Robolaw project.
Paul is an avid contributor to publications in the field of patent law. He is also a co-author of publications by the European Patent Office, including Patent Enforcement in Europe and Compulsory Licensing in Europe. He also shares his expertise as a lecturer in continuing professional development courses for patent attorneys and at the University of Groningen. In addition to his academic pursuits, Paul is a contributing member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property) and Young EPLAW (European Patent Lawyers Association). He was admitted to the Dutch bar in 2015.
Some of the cases Paul Marcelis has handled:
- Acting as UPC representative for Amgen against Sanofi and Regeneron in the first UPC procedure on a second medical use patent.
- representing Samsung Bioepis in an international biosimilar dispute against Regeneron.
- representing Gedeon Richter inter alia in an international dispute concerning its adalimumab patent;
- representing Unilever in an international dispute concerning antibodies against Ablynx/Sanofi;
- representing Accord in several pharmaceutical disputes, including with regard to methotrexate;
- representing Novozymes in an international dispute with DSM concerning enzyme preparations;
- representing Becton Dickinson in a global medical device dispute against B. Braun Melsungen.