Marthe van der Velde
Marthe is a lawyer at Brinkhof whose work encompasses media law, the law of intermediaries, and information law. In her day-to-day work, she advises and litigates on a wide range of legal issues relating to (online) freedom of information, platform regulation and copyright (contract) law. Having spent a period of time on secondment as Legal Counsel at Google, Marthe has gained a good understanding of the perspective of a technology company.
Experience & ancillary activities
Marthe graduated with honours from Utrecht University in 2021, earning a Master’s in Public International Law with a specialisation in human rights, as well as a Master’s in Private Law with a specialisation in intellectual property law. She also spent a semester studying in Lund, Sweden, and contributed to several research projects at Utrecht University that focused on the intersection of technology and law. Marthe was admitted to the Dutch bar in 2021.
Some of the cases Marthe van der Velde has handled:
- advising various clients on recent European regulations concerning platform regulation and online intellectual property rights, including the Digital Services Act, the Platform to Business Regulation and the revised Copyright Directive;
- litigating in connection with the ‘right to be forgotten’ and omitted from search results;
- representing various platforms in disputes regarding content moderation decisions;
- advising on copyright contract law and European and national media regulations, including with regard to the protection of minors;
- advising on negotiations with collective management organisations and, when necessary, litigating on issues relating to collective management, audiovisual copyright, or neighbouring rights.
Marthe van der Velde