Gregor Vos
Gregor is a partner at Brinkhof and has been an intellectual property (IP) specialist since the start of his career. As an all-round IP lawyer, his work focuses on trademarks, design and advertising. Gregor has successfully litigated in a large number of important trademark cases, both in the Netherlands and before European bodies such as the European Trademark Office and the European Court of Justice. The area of law Gregor has registered with the Dutch Bar is intellectual property.
Brands and design
Gregor advises many well-known brand and design owners, who are highly satisfied with his services and find him to be a knowledgeable and capable specialist. These businesses are from a variety of sectors, including fashion, sports, fast-moving consumer goods, and toys. Gregor also has extensive experience in the field of advertising, and in pharmaceutical advertising in particular.
"Gregor Vos is a well-known, experienced lawyer who is one of our first choices in EU matters."
Chambers - Global 2025Experience & ancillary activities
Gregor is also a dispute resolution officer for domain name disputes at the WIPO in Geneva, both for .nl domain names and generic top-level domain names. He also regularly lectures and delivers courses in the Netherlands and abroad, and publishes regularly in professional journals and handbooks. Gregor is a board member of BMM, the Benelux Association for Trademark and Design Law. He has been a lawyer since 1994 and a partner at Brinkhof since 2016.