Eliane de Vilder
Partner and executive board
Eliane, partner and co-founder at Brinkhof, specialises in commercial contracts. She is also a member of the Executive Board. Her work encompasses drafting and negotiating contracts, as well as providing legal advice in this area. With extensive experience in outsourcing projects, Eliane understands the interests of both suppliers and clients. She also advises clients on IT sourcing contracts, including software licences and SaaS agreements.
IT and sourcing specialist
Ranked by Chambers & Partners as an IT and sourcing specialist, Eliane brings her experience in software audits and assists clients in IT-related disputes. Her client portfolio spans a wide range, including start-ups and listed companies
What others say about Eliane:
“Eliane de Vilder advises on a range of IT and outsourcing contracts. Sources highlight her negotiation skills and also note: ‘She listens well and clearly sets out what we can and can’t do as well as her suggestions’.” (Chambers and Partners)
Experience & ancillary activities
Eliane is a member of the Netherlands Association for Computer Lawyers (VIRA) and the Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law (NVvIR). She also serves as a board member of Sourcing Nederland and ITechLaw.
Eliane graduated from Leiden University in 1986 and obtained an LLM from Duke University School of Law in the United States in 1987. She joined NautaDutilh the same year. Eliane completed the postgraduate study programme in IT law at the Grotius Academy in 1996.
Some of the cases Eliane de Vilder has handled:
- assisting a pension fund with the outsourcing of core applications and infrastructure;
- assisting a specialist industrial service provider in various outsourcing processes;
- advised a full-service IT service provider on various disputes with clients;
- advised an Enterprise Cloud Data Management company on procurement processes in the Netherlands;
- advising a global telecom and media company on the subject of technology and media-related contracts with major telecom and media companies for many years;