Competition and regulated markets
Competition law and regulated markets
At Brinkhof, we possess an in-depth knowledge of EU competition law and regulated markets, and recognise that effective competition is an essential precursor of economic prosperity. Consequently, almost all markets operate under the purview of competition law, which serves to prohibit actions that hinder fair competition.
Competition law
We offer our clients comprehensive advisory and litigation services covering the entire spectrum of European and Dutch competition law. Our primary areas of focus include competition investigations, merger control, state aid and private enforcement of competition law. With a wealth of experience, we adeptly assist companies in navigating administrative law proceedings before the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), the European Commission, the Dutch courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union. We also represent companies in antitrust damages actions, including class actions.
Regulated markets
Brinkhof is a market leader in regulatory matters within the telecoms sector and has considerable expertise in various other regulated markets. These include the postal, healthcare, transport, aviation, games of chance, media and energy sectors.
EU dimension
Numerous national laws are based on European legislation, while an extensive array of EU provisions is directly applicable. At Brinkhof, we have an in-depth understanding of these pivotal European rules, which proves indispensable when assessing both our own activities and those of others.
"He (Pepijn red.) is the calmest head under pressure. He is always reassuring and he is excellent with clients.” "
Chambers Europe"Brinkhof’s EU competition practice is very approachable and always to deliver."
Legal500Among others, we have assisted
- Reggefiber in several mergers that enabled it to become the market leader for NGA networks;
- KPN in various proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg concerning broadcasting rights;
- Heineken, FedEx and Diageo in damages cases arising from the EU truck cartel decision;
- Eurofiber and Rabo CIF in proceedings concerning EU state aid rules pertaining to broadband networks;
- Google in damages cases arising from decision by the European Commission;
- Expedia in an investigation by various regulators into compliance with EU regulations;
- the Dutch Dairy Association (NZO) in EU proceedings on reducing phosphate and nitrogen emissions.