Gold ranking for Brinkhof trademark team in WTR1000
We are proud to announce that the trademark team has received a gold ranking amongst only one other firm in the WTR1000 Benelux. Two Brinkhof partners have received a fantastic individual ranking on top of that. Fleur Folmer received silver, and Gregor Vos was awarded gold. Congratulations to both!
WTR1000 states:
“Despite some recent losses, Brinkhof remains a leading name on the Dutch market, thanks to the expertise and dedication of Gregor Vos, a distinguished figure in the local IP scene. “Gregor is at the forefront of his field in the Netherlands, and has impressive commercial insight and expertise.” His expertise extends across multinational trademark disputes, where he has successfully navigated complex cases in the Netherlands and before European institutions such as the European trademarks office. By his side, former NautaDutilh lawyer Fleur Folmer has a knack for guiding businesses across various sectors, and she excels in product launches and IP negotiations.”
Find the full ranking here.