Brinkhof lawyers amongst highest-ranked lawyers in Who’s Who Legal 2024
We are proud to announce that our partners Gregor Vos, Anke Strijbos, Wieke van Angeren, Quinten Kroes, Eliane de Vilder and Remy Chavannes, Richard Ebbink, Daan de Lange, Rien Broekstra, Mark van Gardingen, Pepijn van Ginneken, Koen Bijvank and Counsel Rik Lambershave been selected by Who’s Who Legal (WWL)’s independent research as being amongst the highest-ranked lawyers in WWL 2024.
Since 1996 Who’s Who Legal has identified the foremost legal practitioners and consulting experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research.
The standard required for inclusion in WWL’s reports is high and has a rigorous and independent research process; only those receiving the highest number of recommendations from peers and clients are listed in WWL’s reports. It is, therefore, a fantastic achievement to find ten of our partners alongside the world’s leading practitioners.