Brinkhof has a dedicated team of experienced copyright lawyers with a thorough knowledge of both Dutch and European copyright law. We assist our clients by providing advice and representing them in proceedings relating to copyright, copyright contract law, audiovisual copyright and neighbouring rights and are also well positioned to provide advice on European aspects of copyright.
Specialists in copyright
Digital technologies and internationalisation have made copyright more complex and the EU’s attempts at harmonisation are only reinforcing that complexity. Companies facing copyright issues therefore need the best legal advice from specialists in this practice area. At Brinkhof, we offer just that, as our team of experienced lawyers are specialists in copyright law and have a comprehensive knowledge of the entire field, from the DSM Copyright Directive to the Online Broadcasting Directive, and from the Copyright Act to the Neighbouring Rights Act (exploitation rights, copyright contract law, software copyright, film copyright and portrait rights).
Online platforms, broadcasting organisations, publishers, technology companies and streaming services
For many of our clients, digital copyright is a core part of their business, either as a holder of copyrights or neighbouring rights or as a licensee or user of them. Broadcasting organisations are one type of entity in which digital copyright plays a key role, as they can only survive if they are able to make use of the protected works and performances of others in return for a reasonable fee, but it also applies to AI companies, which want to know what data they can use for training purposes. Online platforms, in turn, have an interest in knowing the extent to which they can be held liable for the content that their users post on the platform, and some of them, in the post-DSM era, require a licence to share (or allow others to share) certain content.
Audiovisual copyright concerns the regulation of distribution rights and focuses on platforms, streaming companies and broadcasting organisations. These cases frequently also have a connection with mediarechtĀ , a practice area in which our lawyers at Brinkhof are also experts. As a result of this combined knowledge and experience, we are also able to assist you effectively in this area.
"A very knowledgeable team, especially at partner level. They understand the need for concise and practical advice that is forged on in depth legal knowledge, and they understand the business needs of their clients."
Legal500"Brinkhof combines strong legal expertise with knowledge of the market and high sensitivity towards internal company politics."
Chambers EuropeCopyright on trademarks and designs
You can also rely on Brinkhof for matters involving general copyright on trademarks and designs. We have long been the recognised market leader in this area and we handle these types of cases within our Design Right team, which consists of a group of lawyers experienced in design law. They specialise in trademark and design copyright and assist clients in national and international cases.
Copyright on product design
You can also rely on Brinkhof for cases where general copyright is used to protect product design. We have long been one of the leading firms in this field, assisting our clients in copyright protection of their design. Brinkhof has a unique experience in the international, European aspects of this part of copyright law and is involved in virtually all relevant national and European proceedings in this area.