Wij zijn Brinkhof, een in Nederland gevestigd Europees advocatenkantoor met een sterk accent op innovatie, technologie en marktregulering.

Over Brinkhof

UPC samenwerking Brinkhof en Vossius

UPC samenwerking Brinkhof en Vossius
Brinkhof en Vossius hebben de krachten gebundeld om gezamenlijk de nieuwe uitdagingen van de UPC (Unified Patent Court) en de UPC-geschillen aan te gaan. Met deze sterke combinatie van twee internationale procespraktijken zorgen we ervoor dat het UPC-systeem ten goede komt aan onze cliënten.
Onze gezamenlijke UPC-teams hebben de benodigde omvang en internationale kennis en ervaring om effectief te opereren binnen dit nieuwe Europese systeem.
Wat anderen over ons zeggen
"The lawyers at Brinkhof are top of the Dutch market for patent cases because they combine legal knowledge with technical knowledge"
Chambers Europe"Brinkhof demonstrates an impressive ability to handle complex and sophisticated matters by asking the right questions."
Chambers - Global 2025"He (Pepijn red.) is the calmest head under pressure. He is always reassuring and he is excellent with clients.” "
Chambers Europe"Brinkhof is a very good law firm that has a very good reputation and delivers high-quality work"
Chambers - Global 2025"Brinkhof’s EU competition practice is very approachable and always to deliver."
Legal500"They understand the need for concise and practical advice that is forged on in depth legal knowledge, and they understand the business needs of their clients."
Legal500"Its facility for coordinating cross-border lawsuits is recognised by a multitude of global concerns"
IAM Patent 1000"Brinkhof has been able to structure complex international contracts during tough negotiations while keeping both risk mitigation and business value well balanced."
Chambers"Brinkhof has one of the largest and most experienced dedicated IT-contracting practices in the Netherlands."
Legal500"Brinkhof combines strong legal expertise with knowledge of the market and high sensitivity towards internal company politics."
Chambers Europe